
Explore Leadership Like a Gardener

19 June 2021

Can adopting the mindset of a dedicated gardener be the key to leading effectively?

We acknowledge that when it comes to leadership, one size or in this case, style, does not fit all. Each business faces unique demands and complexities, and leadership styles must continually adapt to meet them.

While there are myriad analogies to demonstrate the role a leader plays in taking on these diverse challenges, we have found that there may not be one better than gardening.

Observe the Gardener and Their Garden

If you have ever tended to a garden, you already know that it does not bloom overnight. Every plant has their own way of surviving in the wild and the gardener must patiently nurture each sapling through the different stages of its growth process. A master gardener knows that they cannot force flowers and fruits to bloom — they can only foster an environment that encourages growth. Seemingly simple acts of planting seeds, watering them, allowing them ample sunlight, fertilizer and air, all contribute towards the process.

The same is true for leadership.

While many might still see the role of a leader as one of authority and power. We believe, instead, that leaders need to act more like seasoned gardeners. The role of a leader is to create positive change. Much like a gardener, leaders must also consistently nurture people and processes, creating a growth-focused environment. The dynamic organizational ecosystem, much like nature, is all about creating and maintaining balance.

Adopting the humble, nurturing mindset of a gardener as opposed to that of a 'heroic' leader will help individuals, teams and therefore, organizations bloom.

In order to lead like a gardener, leaders must consistently do the following:

Plant the Seeds

The metaphor might be self-explanatory, but it takes practice and patience to implement. As leaders, it can be difficult to resist the temptation to micromanage and be the only person with solutions. The most successful leaders know how to plant the germ of an idea, encouraging others in the team to think, allowing them to use their creativity and foster ambitious ideas. Skilled leaders place a premium on helping every individual grow.

Nurturing Growth

Some of the most effective leaders we have worked with invest their time and resources in growing rather than fixing. Like gardeners, they create a nurturing culture that empowers and affirms people. They recognize that an organization is made up of diverse elements, each with their unique traits and needs. To ensure sustained growth for the whole organization, leaders need to understand and cultivate these distinctive characteristics by creating the right environment, providing ample opportunities for individual development.

Remove the Weeds

Weeds inhibit growth. In an organizational setup, there could be several such ‘weeds’ that act as barriers to optimal performance. In the current context, for instance, remote working has introduced new impediments for many employees. In order to cultivate a growth-centric culture, leaders need to immediately address these deterrents and find ways to resolve them at the earliest.

‘If your vision is for a year, plant wheat. If your vision is for ten years, plant trees. If your vision is for a lifetime, plant people.’ 

While the gardener analogy might seem simplistic in contrast to the intricate, real-world challenges faced by businesses every day, it is one of the best ways to describe the transforming role of leadership in today’s complex environment. To a large extent, adopting the gardener mindset can help organizations find their purpose. Leaders who support their teams, weed out negativity, cultivate talent, and sow opportunities for growth, reap the harvest of their efforts in the long-term.

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